Faculty Profile
  LI Jiayu
Department: School of Mathematics
Mailing Address:
School of Mathematics, University of Science and Technology of China, 96 Jinzhai Rd, Hefei, Anhui, PR China
Postal Code:

Research Profile

      under construction ......
Selected Publications
1) Han, Xiaoli; Li, Jiayu, Symplectic critical surfaces in Kahler surfaces , JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY , 2010 , 12 (2)(2010)
2) Li, Jiayu; Zhu, Xiangrong, Non existence of quasi-harmonic spheres , CAL VAR PDE , 2010 , 37 (3-4)(2010)
3) Li, Jiayu, Variational approach to various nonlinear problems in geometry and physics , FRONTIERS OF MATHEMATICS IN CHINA , 2008 , 3 (2)(2008)
4) Han, Xiaoli; Li, Jiayu, Translating solitons to symplectic and Lagrangian mean curvature flows , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS , 2009 , 20 (4)(2009)
5) Li, Jiayu; Wang, Meng, Liouville theorems for self-similar solutions of heat flows , JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY , 2009 , 11 (1)(2009)
6) Hsu, Deliang; Li, Jiayu, On the regularity for stationary harmonic maps , ACTA MATHEMATICA SINICA-ENGLISH SERIES , 2008 , 24 (2)(2008)
7) Lan, Xiaohong; Li, Jiayu, Asymptotic behavior of the Chern-Simons Higgs 6-th theory , COMMUNICATIONS IN PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS , 2007 , 32 (10-12)(2007)
8) Chen, Qun; Jost, Juergen; Li, Jiayu; Wang, Guofang, Dirac-harmonic maps , MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT , 2006 , 254 (2)(2006)
9) Ding, Weiyue; Li, Jiayu; Liu, Qingyue, Evolution of minimal torus in Riemannian manifolds , INVENTIONES MATHEMATICAE , 2006 , 165 (2)(2006)
10) Han, Xiaoli; Li, Jiayu, The mean curvature flow approach to the symplectic isotopy problem , INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES , 2005 , 26(2005)
11) Li, Jiayu; Li, Yuxiang, Solutions for Toda systems on Riemann surfaces , ANN DE SCU NORMALE SUPERIORE DI PISA , 2005 , 4 (4)(2005)
12) Chen, Jingyi; Li, Jiayu, Quaternionic maps and minimal surfaces , ANN DE SCU NORMALE SUPERIORE DI PISA , 2005 , 4 (3)(2005)
13) Chen, Qun; Jost, Juergen; Li, Jiayu; Wang, Guofang, Regularity theorems and energy identities for Dirac-harmonic maps , MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT , 2005 , 251 (1)(2005)
14) Li, Jiayu; Zhang, Xi, Quaternionic maps between quaternionic Kahler manifolds , MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT , 2005 , 250 (3)(2005)
15) Li, Jiayu; Sheng, Weimin, Deforming metrics with negative curvature by a fully nonlinear flow , CAL VAR PDE , 2005 , 23 (1)(2005)
16) Chen, Jingyi; Li, Jiayu, Singularity of mean curvature flow of Lagrangian submanifolds , INVENTIONES MATHEMATICAE , 2004 , 156 (1)(2004)
17) Guo, Zongming; Li, Jiayu, Partial regularity for weak solutions of semilinear elliptic equations with supercritical exponents , PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS , 2004 , 214 (1)(2004)
18) Ding, Weiyue; Fan, Huijun; Li, Jiayu, Harmonic Hopf constructions between spheres II , CAL VAR PDE , 2003 , 16 (3)(2003)
19) Ding, Weiyue; Li, Jiayu; Li, Wei, Nonstationary weak limit of a stationary harmonic map sequence , COMMUNICATIONS ON PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS , 2003 , 56 (2)(2003)
20)  Guo, Zongming; Li, Jiayu, The blow up locus of semilinear elliptic equations with supercritical exponents , CAL VAR PDE , 2002 , 15 (2)(2002)
21) Chen, Jingyi; Li, Jiayu; Tian, Gang, Two-dimensional graphs moving by mean curvature flow , ACTA MATHEMATICA SINICA-ENGLISH SERIES , 2002 , 18 (2)(2002)
22) Chen, Jingyi; Li, Jiayu, Mean curvature flow of surface in 4-manifolds , ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS , 2001 , 163 (2)(2001)
23) Chen, Jingyi; Li, Jiayu, Quaternionic maps between hyperkahler manifolds , JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY , 2000 , 55 (2)(2000)
24) Ding, Weiyue; Jost, Juergen; Li, Jiayu; Peng, Xiaowei; Wang, Guofang, Self duality equations for Ginzburg-Landau and Seiberg-Witten type functionals with 6(th) order potentials , COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS , 2001 , 217 (2)(2001)
25) Li, Jiayu, Narasimhan, MS, A note on Hermitian-Einstein metrics on parabolic stable bundles , ACTA MATHEMATICA SINICA-ENGLISH SERIES , 2001 , 17 (1)(2001)
26) Li, Jiayu, Hermitian-Einstein metrics and Chern number inequalities on parabolic stable bundles over Kahler manifolds , COMMUNICATIONS IN ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY , 2000 , 8 (3)(2000)
27) Li, Jiayu; Tian, Gang, The blow-up locus of heat flows for harmonic maps , ACTA MATHEMATICA SINICA-ENGLISH SERIES , 2000 , 16 (1)(2000)
28) Li, Jiayu; Wang, Silei, The heat flow of harmonic maps from noncompact manifolds , CHINESE ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS SERIES B , 2000 , 21 (1)(2000)
29) Li, Jiayu; Wang, Youde, Existence of Hermitian-Einstein metrics on stable Higgs bundles over open Kahler manifolds , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS , 1999 , 10 (8)(1999)
30)  Ding, Weiyue; Jost, Juergen; Li, Jiayu; Wang, Guofang, Existence results for mean field equations , ANN DE L INST H POINCARE-ANALYSE NON LINEAR , 1999 , 16 (5)(1999)
31) Li, Jiayu; Wang, Youde, Parabolic stable Higgs bundles over complete noncompact Riemann surfaces , SCIENCE IN CHINA , 1999 , 42 (3)(1999)
32) Ding, Weiyue; Jost, Juergen; Li, Jiayu; Wang, Guofang, Multiplicity results for the two-vortex Chern-Simons Higgs model on the two-sphere , COMMENTARII MATHEMATICI HELVETICI , 1999 , 74 (1)(1999)
33) Li, Jiayu, Hermitian-Einstein metrics on parabolic stable bundles , ACTA MATHEMATICA SINICA-ENGLISH SERIES , 1999 , 15 (1)(1999)
34) Li, Jiayu; Wang, Silei, The heat flows and harmonic maps from complete manifolds into regular balls , BULLETIN OF THE AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY , 1998 , 58 (2)(1998)
35) Li, Jiayu; Tian, Gang, A blow-up formula for stationary harmonic maps , INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES , 1998 , 14(1998)
36) Ding, Weiyue; Jost, Juergen; Li, Jiayu; Wang, Guofang, An analysis of the two-vortex case in the Chern-Simons Higgs model , CAL VAR PDE , 1998 , 7 (1)(1998)
37) Li, Jiayu, Hitchin's self-duality equations on complete Riemannian manifolds , MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN , 1996 , 306 (3)(1996)
38) Ding, Weiyue; Jost, Jürgen; Li, Jiayu; Wang, Guofang, The differential equation $\Delta u=8\pi-8\pi he\sp u$ on a compact Riemann surface , Asian J. Math. , 1997 , 1(2) (1997)
39) Jost, Juergen; Li, Jiayu, Finite energy and totally geodesic maps from locally symmetric spaces of finite volume , CAL VAR PDE , 1996 , 4 (5)(1996)
40) Chen, Yunmei; Li, Jiayu; Lin, Fang-Hua, Partial regularity for weak heat flows into spheres , COMMUNICATIONS ON PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS , 1995 , 48 (4)(1995)
41) Li, Jiayu; Shao, Xin, On the upper estimates of fundamental solutions of parabolic equations on Riemannian manifolds , CHINESE ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS SERIES B , 1995 , 16 (1)(1995)
42) Li, Jiayu, Heat flows and harmonic maps with a free boundary , MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT , 1994 , 217 (3)(1994)
43) Li, Jiayu, Spectrum of the Laplacian on a complete Riemannian manifold with nonnegative Ricci curvature which possess a pole , JOURNAL OF THE MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN , 1994 , 46 (2)(1994)
44) Li, Jiayu, Boundedness of the Riesz potential on a complete manifold with nonnegative Ricci curvature , PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY , 1993 , 118 (4)(1993)
45) Li, Jiayu, On the Harnack inequality for harmonic functions on complete Riemannian manifolds , CHINESE ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS SERIES B , 1993 , 14 (1)(1993)
46) Li, Jiayu, The Heat flows and harmonic maps of complete noncompact Riemannian manifolds , MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT , 1993 , 212 (2)(1993)
47) Li, Jiayu, Gradient estimates and Harnack inequalities for Nonlinear parabolic and nonlinear elliptic equations on Riemannian manifolds , JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS , 1991 , 100 (2)(1991)
48) Li, Jiayu, Gradient estimate for the heat kernel of a complete Riemannian manifold and its applications , JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS , 1991 , 97 (2)(1991)
49) Chen, Jiecheng; Li, Jiayu, A note on eigenvalues , CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN , 1990 , 35 (7)(1990)
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